A Commitment to High Standards
Upfitting any vehicle can be a complicated process. Modifications that are not performed correctly can result in any number of unintended consequences. That’s why choosing the right upfitter is so important, and the Ford Qualified Vehicle Modifiers (QVM) program is a great place to start when vetting your options.

Making the Grade
To qualify as a QVM Program participant, an upfitter must be successfully evaluated by Ford Motor Company on an annual basis, covering criteria such as engineering, the manufacturing process, quality control and adherence to Ford QVM guidelines.

A Ford QVM must demonstrate compliance with federal standards as well as follow all Ford guidelines for conversions. Plus, every QVM must pass an annual review and inspection.

Upfitting a vehicle is complex. You can rest easy knowing your upfitter meets the strict standards required of a Ford QVM.
Find the Right QVM for Your Needs